Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Thoughts/comments/advice on site layout and content

Hello everyone, im looking for some input from the users! what does everyone think of the layout? everything were it should be? colors? does anyone have any thoughts on content?


  1. Change the colors of the font, make it more matching. I'd prefer a dark background too.
    There's your input lol. Dude maybe a click or two would be great ;)

  2. I'm not so sure on the water background with the black in the boxes.

  3. the background doesn't match with the boxes

    and as for content, write about what ever you don't mind writing about constantly. make it interesting so people actually take interest.


  4. I'll be following this because I'm looking for suggestions on how to make my blog look more appealing too.

  5. I think it looks fine, good luck in the blogging

  6. I think the background image is a bit jarring. Like 1904 Blogger said, doesn't match with the boxes.

    Content? Either stay on one general subject, however if you don't really care just say whatever. Blogs is about you!

    Good luck. Good site to look at is

  7. the boxes in blogger don't seem to go well with anything tbh! monitoring this post for advice

  8. I like the purple, not sure about the green mixing though.

  9. This Design looks very good imo.
